Saturday, July 19, 2008

Les Diaboliques

Released in 1955

Director: Henri-Georges Clouzot

When the wife of a nasty headmaster and his lover decide to murder him, all sorts of things go wrong. It’s a perfect setting, really; a small boarding school for young boys in rural France. And what could be cozier than a wife, her husband, and her husband’s live in lover? Viva la France, baby. Viva la France.

But while that may be every man’s dream, let me caution you…never underestimate just how pissed off a wife can get.

There’s trouble in paradise. The plan is simple enough. Kill the man and live happily ever after. But the body disappears. And then strange things begin to happen around the school. Are the children lying? Or have they really seen the dead schoolmaster?

The movie is in the original French, with subtitles. Don’t worry. As long as you can read, you’ll be just fine. It’s a great film that allows the anxiety of the women to bleed from the screen right into the viewer. I couldn’t help but empathize with these women; the wife with her Dorothy of Kansas braids and the lover with her severe eyebrows and bad dye job.

So do they get away with it? I know you’re dying for the answer, but this canary ain’t singing, Sugar. Get your own copy. Watch it. Love it. But keep your trap shut about the ending. Or else.

View the trailer here.